Podcast Marketing: Talking to Yourself for Fun and Profit

Podcast Marketing. What is that and how to grow your business by simply talking about different topics? Read more in this blog post.
Podcast Marketing: Talking to Yourself for Fun and Profit

Marketing is everywhere. And yes, it got even to podcasts. In this article, we will talk about this up-to-date way of advertising, reasons to use it, how it works, and share with you some tips on how to do it the most effective way.

What is podcast marketing?

Podcast marketing is one of the techniques, that are used to promote and advertise anything: products, services, or brands. What makes it unusual is the fact that different podcasting platforms are used. Podcasts are very similar to the radios, which are gradually going by the wayside nowadays. In contrast, podcasts are really trending now, people are actively subscribing to them and listening at any time everywhere. So podcast marketing is a great way to reach a target audience and achieve specific marketing objectives through entertainment.

Why should we use podcast marketing?

  • Reaches wide audience
    Podcasts have a large audience, so it is an effective way to reach potential customers effectively.
  • Diverse Content
    There are a huge amount of different topics, so it will be really easy to do a podcast that will be connected with your brand and target demographics.
  • Cost-Effective
    You don’t really need to put a lot of cost here, especially if we compare it to traditional advertising. And also as a big plus, with relatively not big input there are big chances to have a big return on the investment.
  • Long terms
    Podcast episodes can be rewatched or remain available for watching for a long period of time, and it is almost like a passive income. You make an effort once, and then it brings you customers for a while.

How does podcast marketing work?

The principle of work here is as easy as you can imagine. In a nutshell — you speak, they get engaged, and interested, and boom — here they are already your new customers. Of course, it’s also important here to choose the message you want to reach the audience, choose a podcast marketing strategy, and do some analysis.
Learn more about how it works here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjCvpRGz3ck.

Podcast marketing tips/best practices:

  • Team up
    Featuring with some other brands helps to share some insights and knowledge, and what is more important — share audience.
  • Call to action
    Make listeners do specific actions, such as visiting your website(by the way here, the website is one of the most important things in every business, so you can read more about how to make it look professional in this blog post) or subscribing to your channel.
  • Make it everywhere
    Promote your podcast episodes on all the platforms, announce them, and encourage you to watch them as soon as possible.
  • Stay tuned
    Keep up with the new trends, new technologies, and marketing strategies to be competitive and actual.


So, podcast marketing is quite easy, effective, and a trendy way to promote a product or a business. It is an amazing way to reach potential customers. It is so easy and genuine at the same time — simply talking brings you fun and profit.

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